How to set up a cron job for ALO EasyMail Newsletter ?

ALO EasyMail Newsletter is installed on my server. Set up a cron job to trigger ALO EasyMail Newsletter's cron job script.
Our webcron service is fully compatible for triggering ALO EasyMail Newsletter's cron job script. Just follow below theses steps to configure cron job for ALO EasyMail Newsletter :
Add define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); to your wp-config.php file to disable the WP Cron System.

Open your webcron dashboard
click on " " button.

Set up cron job for ALO EasyMail Newsletter
In field "URL you want to execute...", paste the URL you copied. e.g. http://www.example.com/wp-cron.php (replace www.example.com with your install location). For ALO EasyMail Newsletter, configure the Crionjob TimeOut on 180 sec.
Checkout below screenshot:
If necessary, finish the other optional settings. (Alerts)

Click " " button.
