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Edit an existing cron in your account.

Authentication & Action

This method needs authentication. It can be accessed by http and https.

Action type: HTTP POST.


id (see note 1)

The id of the cron.

name (see note 1)

The name of the cron. Allowed values: string (255)

url (optional)

The url to execute the cron. Allowed values: string (2048)

group_id (not required)

The id of the group this cron should be added to. Id should be an integer of an existing group.

group_name (not required, see note 2)

The name of an existing group this cron should be added to. name should be a string with max 64 chars.

status (optional)

The status of the cron. Allowed values: 1 = enabled / 0 = disabled.

time_out (optional)

The time-out of the cron, in seconds. Allowed values: 30 / 180 / 600 / 1800 / 3600.

login (optional)

The username needed to access the resource (http authentication). Allowed value: string(255)

password (optional)

The password needed to access the resource (http authentication). Allowed value: string(32)

year (optional)

Determines in what year the cron executes. Seperate values with a comma when adding multiple values. Allowed values: integer(4) or * (= every year). Default = *

month (optional)

Determines in what months the cron executes (1 = january, 2 = february etc...). Seperate values with a comma when adding multiple values. Allowed values: integer 1 up to 12 or * (= every month).

weekday (optional)

Determines on what days the cron executes (1 = monday, 2 = tuesday etc...). Seperate values with a comma when adding multiple values. Allowed values: integer 1 up to 7 or * (= every weekday).

day (optional)

Determines on what day of the month the cron executes. Seperate values with a comma when adding multiple values. Allowed values: integer 1 up to 31 or * (= every day).

hour (optional)

Determines on what hour the cron executes. Seperate values with a comma when adding multiple values. Allowed values: integer 0 up to 23 or * (= every hour).

minute (optional)

Determines on what minute the cron executes. Seperate values with a comma when adding multiple values. Allowed values: integer between 0 and 59 or * (= every minute).

exec_delay (optional)

Set a one-off cron to execute in 'exec_delay' minutes. This parameter can not be used together with year, month, weekday, day, hour & minute. Allowed values: integer.


NOTE 1: It is possible to use both id and name as a key. If both are present, the name is ignored as key. It may be clear that you can not change the name if you use the name as a key!

NOTE 2: It is possible to use both group_id and group_name to identify the group this cron belongs to. If both are present, the group_name is ignored

Example Request
POST data:

Example Response

<rsp status="ok">
   <cron id="154375" modified="2009-04-22 14:23:36" />