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Returns uptime of a monitor or the average uptime of multiple monitors or all monitors within a group.

Authentication & Action

This method needs authentication. It can be accessed by http and https.

Action type: HTTP GET.


id (not required)

The id of one or multiple monitors, comma separated.

group_id (not required)

The id of one group.

from (not required)

Date or DateTime string. Shows uptime between this date and until date. The format is: yyyymmdd or yyyymmddhhmmss, all attached. We use the timezone you have set in Your Profile. Default: 1 month ago (30.5 days)

until (not required)

Date or DateTime string. Shows uptime between from and this date. The format is: yyyymmdd or yyyymmddhhmmss, all attached. We use the timezone you have set in Your Profile. NOTE: Maximum timespan between from and until is 92 days (3 months).


IMPORTANT: The dates and times you send are interpreted as the timezone you have set in Your Profile. When no dates are set, by default the uptime of the last month is returned.

Example Request

Example Response

<rsp status="ok">
   <uptime percentage="99.9983" checked="2635200" down="45"/>

checked is the number of seconds this monitor has been checked within the returned period. If you ask for the uptime of last month, but your monitor was only created 2 days ago, checked="172800".

down is the number of seconds this monitor has been down within the returned period.